Case Flags

Never let a case slip through the cracks

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Improve initial response time by 46%+

Color-coded flags prioritize workload
Report, track, and measure SLAs
Easily see how busy an agent is

Stop Case Neglect

When support agents don't have a method for prioritizing work, they waste time deciding which case to tackle next, incurring longer response times and broken service level agreements.

Case Flags is an automated visual prioritization system for Salesforce that saves time and money while ensuring no case slips through the cracks.

Improve Responsiveness

Customers hate to wait. How fast does your team respond to new and ongoing inquiries? With visual case prioritization, your support agents won't waste time clicking into cases and deciding which case to work next.

Don't let a waiting customer become an ex-customer. Case Flags helps support teams improve initial response time and build better customer experiences.

Eliminate Decision Fatigue

Your customer service agents can see cases that require attention at a glance with the Case Flags Utility Bar. Our decision automation system updates in real time and always brings the next case directly to the top. Deciding what case to work on next is as simple as opening the Utility Bar and clicking on the top case.

Improve the agent experience and help your team stay organized in Salesforce. 

B2W Software Improves Response Time by 46% With Case Flags

B2W’s support team was overwhelmed by high support volume slowing them down. After adopting Case Flags, agents now can review and respond to cases with ease and speed. As a result, they respond to cases 46% faster.

Ensure Agent Activity Meets KPIs

Case Flags aging speeds offer flexibility–you can create different flag aging speeds based on status, priority, record type, or other related field values in the case.

Set flag event rules, so flags are automatically set or cleared by triggers such as inbound emails, case comments, or logged activities. Custom alerts can be configured to notify agents of changing flag levels, so no cases slip through the cracks.

Birds-Eye View Metrics

Don't let a waiting customer become an ex-customer. With analytics like initial response time, time to resolution, and comparing the time with the customer and your support team, you'll have data to improve customer satisfaction.

You can view pre-built report snapshots of your whole organization or drill down and see metrics for individual agents. Use the data to coach your agents and improve the overall customer experience.

Built for #AwesomeAdmins

Don’t waste time building a complex in-house solution, where you are responsible for ongoing maintenance. Case Flags is a managed app that is 100% native to Salesforce, so no complex setup or coding needed. The Setup Wizard makes it simple, and you can look forward to a speedy time-to-value.

Follow Up Process

Automate your case follow-up process and reduce case handle time. Enable Follow-Up Process in Case Flags to automatically re-flag a case as a reminder when no action has been taken. Build a follow-up timeline, set next steps, and more.

Supports Business Hours

Flags can age based on standard 24-hours or your organization's hours of operation. For example, if you set your business hours as 8am-6pm, your flags will only age during that timeframe.

Monitor Response Times on the Go

Monitor response times on the go. Prioritize cases requiring attention and monitor response times on your mobile device. You can view, set, and clear flags right within the Salesforce mobile app.

History Tracking

Review the entire lifecycle of a case from open to close—and everything in between. How much time was the case in each status? Who owned the case, and for how long? Get the answers you need to address what happened during the support process.

Account & Case Specific Flags

Override the defaults flag timing for a subset of accounts, allowing you to have different support levels, entitlements, or SLAs for specific accounts. For even more granular control, you can override the defaults on a case-by-case basis. Set flag timings manually or using local automation.

Customer service is expensive.

When agents manually decide which case to work on next, it wastes time and money.
Join our product team as they walk through getting the most out of Case Flags features.
Image of a tennis court with two players. Text: Know whose side of the court the ball is on. Represents how case flags helps agents know the status and timing of a case.

Get started today

Talk with a specialist about the advantages of Case Flags, and see it live in action.

Case Flags Pricing

$2,700 contract minimum includes 15 users
Volume discounts available
Guided Setup $2,350/org/one-time payment

Service Experience Suite logo circle. It's made up of four colored sections with icons for each section. Clockwise from the top is a dark gray section with a stop watch icon. This signifies responsiveness. To the right of that is the bright blue section with a computer monitor with a chart in the screen and a magnifying glass in the bottom right corner. This icon signifies utilization. To the right of that, at the bottom of the circle, is the purple section with two message bubbles, the front with a smiley face and the back with three ellipses. This icon signifies personalization. The last section is bright teal green with an icon of three circles, one with a rating star, one with a smiley face and one with a sad face. This icon signifies feedback.

Maximize your efficiency with the whole suite.

Case Flags is just one of the solutions in Service Experience Suite, our arsenal of friction-busting apps for Salesforce Service Cloud.®